Erdmiin dalai buyan chuulgan süm
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Erdmiin dalai buyan chuulgan süm ,Bogd khaanii serüün ord,Khaist ordon,Khashaatai lawran,Khaistai ordon/ lawran/ labran,Khailaastiin süm ordon,
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Erdmiin dalai buyan chuulgan süm
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The buildings of the complex that remains today are situated south of the Management Academy (Udirdlagiin Akademi) on the left of the road that leads to the Bogd Khaan Museum from the city. The GPS was taken here.
GPS хаяг :
North 47° 53’ East 106° 54’
Сүм хэвээрээ үлдсэн :
Судалгаа явуулах үеийн байдал :
The buildings of the complex that remains today are situated south of the Management Academy (Udirdlagiin Akademi) on the left of the road that leads to the Bogd Khaan Museum from the city. (The building can be reached by turning right just before the gate to the Management Academy.) It is not know exactly what the buildings were used for originally. The two-storey white building, which has a small veranda and a terrace, has, for many years, been used to house several families. It is in a very bad state of repair with litter and debris everywhere. Today, one family lives on the first floor. There are two doors on the veranda on the southern side. Entering the door on the left there is a staircase leading to the second floor where there are three rooms. This building is said to be all that remains of the Summer Palace. However, hidden between newly built houses there are five other old buildings in the immediate area: two of them are long rectangular buildings, and the others are smaller. They are used for different purposes today: residential and commercial (offices). Two of them appears to have been repaired recently. All are situated to the east of the two-storey building described above, having the same architectural features and being built with the same materials. The one immediately on the east of the two-storey building is completely renovated with an added part and used as the Child welfare centre of Metropolitan Police Department (Niisleliin Tsagdaagiin Gazriin khüükhdiin khalamj, üilchilgeenii töw) from 1996. The two buildings on its north and east are empty and not used currently. They stand in the courtyards of newly built estate houses and are in very bad state of repair. The last two buildings are situated on the east of all the other buildings behind each other and are used as dwellings. The northern one is renovated. The remaining area of the Summer Palace complex or Khaistai ordon is now completely built in. In modern Ulaanbaatar this area is situated to the south of Management Academy and south-west of the Health Resort Sanatorium (Orgil).
Сүм хийд байгуулагдсан он :
At the end of the 19th century the summer residenc
Сүм хийд хаагдсан, нураагдсан он :
тухайн газар шинэ сүм дугана баригдсан :
Үүсгэн байгуулагч хүний нэр болон цол хэргэм (мэдэгдэж байвал):
Date of Reviving:
хуучин хийдийн лам нар
Тэмдэглэл :
In the early part of the twentieth century, the Bogd khaan’s summer palace where he lived with his wife, Dondogdulam, consisted of a collection of large and small buildings and yurts (Jügder’s painting shows around 10 buildings) in the midst of extensive pleasant wooded grounds surrounded by a wooden fence. The the painting shows that the palace area was divided into six small courts with the buildings arranged in them. According to Dariimaa (p. 45.), there was a wooden clock mounted on the top of a tall wooden tower standing in the courtyard. However, according B. Daajaw, the tower was a radio antenne built in the 1920’s and the two-storey wooden clock, made by Mongolian goldsmiths, stood on the left of it. This clock was decorated with images of the ‘animals of the twelve years’ of the Mongolian calendar.
According to Dariimaa (pp. 43-44.) guards (torgon tsereg) of the Bogd khaan resided here. Furthermore, it was a place for looking after the children taken into the care by the Bogd khaan. Jambal (English text pp. 23-26., Mongolian text pp. 700-703.) gives an account of these adopted children listing their names and their relationship with the Bogd. According to him, one of them was Lamyaa the child of the younger sister of a lama in Erkhem (toinii) aimag. The others were Yalguusan lam and Chin bishrelt lam, Sosorbaram (Baraishir by his religious name, who became a lama of Badma yogo monastic school (English text p. 52., Mongolian text pp. 733-735.) and Erennyam. The Bogd is said to have had an on-going sexual relationship with these youngsters. After his death, all his belongings were confiscated by the comission of the people’s government (zasgiin gazriin komiss) and the adopted children were sent back to their families.
According to Dariimaa (p. 44.) the palace, called Khailaastiin lawran was originally situated in the valley of Khailaast in the Chingeltei mountain and it was moved later to its present site on the right bank of Tuul River. However, there is no other source confirming this statement, and he gives no date either for the establishment or when it moved. According to Pürew (Mongoliin uls töriin töw, pp. 59-60.), the palace buildings were originally the summer residence of yonzon khamba, the Bogd khaan’s tutor. At the end of the 19th century the dwelling was converted into the summer palace for the Bogd khaan with the whole site being surrounded by a wooden fence (khais). (This was corroborated by our informant Dashtseren lama.) The 8th jewtsündamba khutagt valued the magnificent view of the river from his summer palace further enhancing the grounds by creating a park-like atmosphere with herds of sheep and horses grazing there.
Jügder’s painting shows the complex to be situated east of the Winter Palace. A detailed picture of the palace painted by an unknown painter hangs in the Bogd Khaan Museum (part of the picture is published in Tsültem, N., Mongol zurag, Ulaanbaatar 1986, picture No. 170.). This painting shows a red coloured two-storey building in the north-east corner, which is not present in the Jügder picture. It is assumed the building was built after 1913 when Jügder did his painting.
Ceremonies were not held here at all. However, according to Dashtseren lama, some lamas lived here whose task was primarily to act as attendants to the Bogd khaan by preparing his food, and looking after his ceremonial wardrobe.
In Geleta’s time (Forbáth, p. 230.), the summer palace became the central office of the national party with the political college being also housed here (p. 174, p. 230.). He relates how the furniture in this palace was poorer than in the Bogd’s other palaces though after the renovation its appearance changed a geat deal. However, the clock pendulum (photo in Forbáth, p. 184) in the garden hanging from the 20 metres height platform was still working in Geleta’s time. The pendulum powered a clock situated in one of the palace rooms. Badma, a Buryat master, constructed the clock. He was the Bogd’s personal assistant, being his driver, mechanic, photographer, watchmaker and dentist. Geleta also mentions that the national govenment was merciful with Badma after the Bogd’s demise, endowing him with a house in the summer palace where he had lived from the time of the Bogd onwards.
According to Pürew (Mongoliin uls töriin töw, p. 62.), the summer palace was used by the Central School of the Revolutionary Party after 1937.
See UBR 921 AM.pdf for more information.
All data on this temple is kindly provided by Kristina Teleki and Zsuzsa Majer who retain copyright. See relevant section in Monasteries and Temples of Bogdiin Khüree, Ikh Khüree or Urga, the Old Capital City of Mongolia in the First Part of the Twentieth Century: Zsuzsa Majer, Krisztina Teleki Budapest, Hungary. Ulaanbaatar 2006
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UBR 921
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